We are a private academy that offers training in practical, no nonsense self-defense methods (since 2006). What we teach here has been described as “Dirty Boxing.” We are not a sports oriented, tournament oriented, belt oriented or trophy oriented school. The fighting arts taught here encompass all ranges of combat (Kicking, Striking, Trapping, Grappling and Weapons)
Most people living in relatively peaceful modern societies move through their days in a haze of passivity, assuming the worst that will happen to them is a missed deadline, a parking ticket, or an argument with a loved one. A survival mindset rejects the lure of passivity and instead prepares for a range of undesirable possibilities. It begins with a multiplied strategy of awareness and response to crises of all kinds, composed of situational awareness, personal and cultural awareness, active threat reduction techniques, and the adoption of an proactive…and not reactive…mindset. Let us help you achieve this mindset and the skills needed.
We are the original Duncan Leung Wing Chun School in Alabama. Our Wing Chun is not for sport; it is an applied science in the use of crippling force to end fights fast by hitting quickest where it hurts the most. It is bound by no rules and trains for such situations.
Wing Chun is one of the most effective self-defense systems in the world. A highly effective combat-tested system of self defense, fighting skills and defensive tactics, Wing Chun has been taught and integrated into the training programs of hundreds of military & law enforcement agencies around the world such as the US Navy Seals, the FBI, CIA, and SWAT teams.
Wing Chun is a combat system that was created by synthesizing the different methods of Shaolin Boxing and Wudang Boxing to create a highly effective and easy to learn system of fighting. According to the legend of its creation, the style was conceived after watching a crane and snake fighting. Wing Chun is generally regarded as one of the most efficient combat self defense systems available. It has been referred to as a “Back Alley or Bar Room fighting style.” It is noted for its simple, practical and effective techniques that use simultaneous attack and defense movements making the wing chun fighter always one step ahead of the opponent. All of these aspects makes it the perfect art of self-defense.
Wing Chun goes beyond just fighting. Its strategies can be utilized in everyday life. The concepts and principles can be used to avoid or deal with stresses and conflicts. Wing Chun training brings about a new way of looking at everyday challenges as opportunities instead of problems.
The bulk of our curriculum is Wing Chun however we also offer instruction in other arts that are based on no rules and no holds barred to end fights fast: such as the rare Filipino stick and knife art of SEAMOK-ILUSTRISIMO Escrima, Combat Aiki-Jiujitsu (the original art where Aikido and Jiujitsu come from) and Jeet Kune Do (Bruce Lee’s Fighting Methods).
Set up an appointment for a complimentary class with us to see how we are different from other schools. Call 256-679-7839
We guarantee that you will not find a more qualified school in the area.
At the Wing Chun Boxing Academy, we teach our students using the time-honored way of teaching martial or fighting arts no matter what culture, in a small, private group setting.
We have returned to the private academy model and traditional training methods that have historically produced some of the most effective fighters because of what they were training to protect, family, and it was what we felt current martial fighting arts were lacking in this modern era.
—Classes are taught in a small group to maximize learning for each student. —
—No uniforms—
If you are interested in training with us, call 256-679-7839. or email us at alwingchun@gmail.com
What students and professionals say about instruction here:
“You are real and that is what makes everything you teach so valuable. You have made it possible for me to go out without fear. It means so much to me. Thank you!”
(read more testimonials on References and Testimonials page)
contact us @ 256-679-7839. or email alwingchun@gmail.com
*We reserve the right to choose our students.
“The Cowards never started. The Weak could not finish. The Unfit could not stay.”-Texas Proverb
Written by Dustan Carroll (copyright 2010 all rights reserved. No part can be used without written permission of the author)